Grateful For Tennis?
Give a kid a chance to play tennis too!
$420 raised
$5,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
The NC Tennis Foundation Supports Tennis and Education!
The NC Tennis Foundation supports National Junior Tennis and Learning (NJTL) chapters throughout North Carolina. This program primarily serves under-resourced youth and includes both tennis and educational components.
It's proven that being introduced to tennis at a young age
leads to many positive outcomes such as educational achievement, health and
social involvement. Tennis playing youth get better grades, devote more hours
to studying, think more about their future, aspire to attend and graduate from
college and have lower suspension and expulsion rates.
Help us support tennis through grants, scholarships and opportunities provided for our NJTL's and under-resourced kids and give them the gift of tennis!